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Beautifully Broken (Beautifully Series, Book 1) Page 10

  I shower quickly and join her in the kitchen in a pair of gym shorts. She’s already set up breakfast and coffee. She’s sitting at the kitchen bar reading the paper in only my button up shirt, my shirt not doing much to conceal her sexy body. Man I’m hard.

  She bites down on her lip trying to keep from laughing at me adjusting myself. “You’re like a horny adolescent boy.” She chuckles getting up from the bar. The shirt is hanging off one shoulder, she left so many buttons open on top I can see the tip of her nipple peaking through the opening. She follows my heated gaze and adjusts the shirt as I stride over to her.

  I grab her by the waist as she turns to run, my erection nudging her in the back. I lean down to her ear, “You make me hornier than I ever was as a boy. If I could fuck you all day long I’d do it.”

  She leans her head back and wraps her arm around the back of my head pushing it down to claim my lips. Her kiss is gentle as she coaxes my lips open with her tongue. When her tongue tangles with mine a zap of electricity runs through me, my hand creeps under her shirt to squeeze her breast. My other hand delves into her wet flesh between her legs and she spins free darting across the room.

  My heavy erection weighs me down as my eyes stalk her across the room. She throws a wicked smile my way; she tilts her head flipping her hair over her shoulder. She wants it as bad as I do. She begins to un-button the shirt revealing her creamy skin inch by inch. By the time I make it over to her it’s hanging loosely over her shoulders. I wrap my arm around the inside of her shirt and pull her naked front against my bare chest.

  “I really have a lot to do Liam,” she whimpers as I suck on her neck.

  “You should’ve thought about that before you flaunted that sexy ass in front of me. Now turn around and bend over.”

  She always follows my instructions so passionately.

  She saunters out of the bedroom half an hour later in a tight pair of shorts and a short sleeve blazer belted at her waist with a pair of fuck-me red heels and I’m get hard again. I never thought it was humanly possible to be constantly hard. She walks to the door waving at me.

  “What no kiss?” I throw up my arms in question.

  “If I come over there you’ll have me flat on my back in less than a minute.” She says smiling at me as she closes the door.

  I call my pilot and make sure everything is as planned for Saturday. A knock on the door interrupts my conversation. Nobody has access to my hallway. I pull the door open thinking Ella forgot her key only to find Anna standing on the other side which is a complete shock. I mumble an excuse into the phone hanging it up, my eyes never leaving her face.

  “How’d you get up here?”

  “Isabella let me in. Don’t be mad at her, she warned me not to upset you.” She blabbers. I stand there staring at her not sure what to do or say next.

  “Can I come in?” she asks shyly. I step back and let her in. She still smells like a summer breeze. She stands in the middle of the living room not sure if she’s welcome to sit. I extend my hand and nod towards the sofa. I sit in the chair farthest from her.

  “I just wanted a chance to explain to you why I did what I did.” She says breaking the tense silence.

  “You had years to do that.” I snarl, “Why now”

  “Your father made me promise to stay away from you.” She’s nervously wringing her hands. “After seeing you last night I couldn’t stay away any longer.”

  “This will be your last chance, so talk.” My voice sounding crueler than I meant it to be.

  “Liam,” she sighs. “I left your dad because he beat me. I couldn’t take anymore so I decided to leave.”

  I stare at her trying to grasp the words she just said. “If you’re going to lie to me than you can get the fuck out.” I rise from the couch ready to kick her lying ass out.

  “I know this is hard to take in but it started when you were a little boy.” She continues, ignoring my defensive stance. “Back then it was very rare that he got mad enough to hit me. As the years progress so did the abuse. He was always angry. He was angry at me, Mitchell and Cindy.”

  I don’t know why I’m standing here listening to this. I should’ve dragged her out of here already. She’d say anything now to right her wrongs. “Why would he be angry at Lucas’ mom? Everyone loved Cindy.”

  “Including your father, she was the women he really wanted to marry. She was too lost in Mitchell to see any other man and it infuriated your father that he was stuck with me. After she passed away the abuse became worst. He blamed me for never having a chance with Cindy. I began to escape to Mitchell’s house. When Mitchell found out about the abuse he confronted your dad. It became unbearable after that day. Mitchell begged me to leave him for years but I couldn’t leave you. I wanted to wait until you were eighteen.”

  She gets up and walks over towards me placing a hand on my face. I flinch at her touch but don’t make any move to break contact. “I never saw any bruises or heard any fights, you guys always seemed happy.”

  “He never hit me in the face, he was too smart for that. He never wanted you to know what he was doing. You hero worshipped him and he fed off of that. He never touched me unless you were out of the house with Lucas. Liam, believe me I’m not trying to turn you from your dad but I need you to know that I never meant to leave you.”

  She grabs one of my hands and rubs it between both her small hands. “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. I’ve watched from a distance and admired your drive. The only thing that’s been missing is the warmth that always radiated off you as a boy. You always took care of everyone, even Lucas. You’ve been so cold all these years and I know I broke you and I’m sorry.” A sole tear drip’s out of her eye and rolls down her face.

  “I saw it in your eyes the other night when you were with Isabella. You love her and she’s bringing my Lee back. I know this will hurt Lucas but I’m happy you found each other. I’ve never seen her as happy as she was a moment ago, bouncing out of here. Just know if I never see you again that I always loved you…you’re my Lee.” Tears are flowing down her cheeks as she goes up on the tips of her toe to place a kiss on my cheek.

  I don’t turn around to watch her leave. I’m more confused now than I’ve been in years I stand in the same place for an eternity contemplating her words. I know my hands tremble as I reach for my phone thinking my whole life might have been a lie.

  Chapter 11


  I run down the stairs giggling like a sixteen year old with her first crush. Liam is extraordinary and a little bit overwhelming but I love that about him. After an awful ending to our night out, I’m amazed that I’m feeling so happy. Liam pulled me off the floor of that restaurant and did exactly what I needed. He held me silently without all the pressure of talking because that’s the last thing I wanted to do.

  I push open the door and am not surprised to see Anna standing there. She smiles at me, her wavy blonde hair blowing in the breeze. Her eyes, Liam’s eyes stare into mine happily. “Hey Isabella, you’re absolutely glowing this morning.”

  “Thanks Anna, you’re here to talk to Liam.” I say already knowing what she needs from here. Closure.

  “Do you think he’ll talk to me?” her nervous behavior is new to me. Anna always exudes confidence.

  “Make him talk to you, he needs it as much as you do.” I pull her into my arms offering her some much needed courage. This woman has been the only mother I’ve had for many years but she’s also the women that gave me Liam and I love her for it.

  Once I release her I open the door with my key letting her into the stairwell. I watch her going up the stairs worried about Liam being ready for this. “Anna,” I call to her and she pauses on the stairwell.

  “Please don’t hurt him.” she nods as I close the door making my way to Liam’s car.

  The flashy sports car is really enjoyable to drive. It’s like having total control over a powerful man. If I could only manipulate Liam the way I do this car I would be a luck
y girl. But with Liam I don’t even have the desire to be manipulative. I love that he sees through my hidden ploys and loves me.

  He really loves me.

  That sexy ass man that deserves a women ten times better loves me.

  A few people are loitering outside of Maddox-Fields when I pull up. They gape at me as I make my way in the building, probably more surprised by my provocative outfit than the flashy car. The short blazer I’m wearing opens at the navel showing off my piercing. Usually I’m prim in proper Isabella when I step into this building.

  The men I pass on my way to Lucas’ office visibly appreciate the change. No one dares to comment or make a pass at me thinking I’m the boss’s girl which in a way I am. Lucas’ secretary does a double take as I stroll through the reception area but refrains from commenting.

  I walk in after gently knocking at the door. He waves me in as he finishes his phone call. Once he hangs up the phone he gets up and approaches me. He walks a full circle around me taking in my outfit. His glares into my eyes, his lips thin line expressing his disapproval.

  “Is this how your boyfriend likes you to dress?” The mocking way he says boyfriend grating my nerves, his repulsion of me shining brightly in his eyes.

  “This is how I like to dress.” I say pointing to myself and putting emphasis on the word I.

  “Just because you’re fucking Liam doesn’t mean you can do what you want. For one thing you’re late and you’re inappropriately dressed for work. I’d fire you right now if I didn’t think Liam would try to use it against me in some way.” The venom laced words burn my insides. He absolutely hates me and there’s no band aid that will fix us.

  I reach inside my handbag and hand him an envelope. “You don’t have to worry about firing me, that’s my resignation.”

  He looks at the envelope than back at me. After several silent minutes I turn to leave not able to take the awkwardness that’s hanging between us. I hear him sigh before I feel his hand grasp my arm.

  “You don’t have to quit because of me. If you want to be with that asshole I won’t comment on it. Just stay.” He begs. Maybe he doesn’t hate me as much as he’s pretending to. Maybe it’s just my relationship with Liam that disgusts him.

  “I can’t stay, I’m leaving for Palm Beach on Saturday.” His eyes widen and he lets go of my arm like he’s been burned. Then he begins his typical pacing.

  “You’re moving with him?” he squints, eyeing me with disbelief. “You don’t even know that man Izzy!” he screams. “Please don’t do this, He’s as violent as his father is and he will hurt you.” He rants. I grab hold of his arm halting his erratic movements.

  “I’m sorry that this is hurting you but I need to leave. The separation will be good for both of us. I can’t keep impeding on your life this way. I need to let you go find happiness.”

  “And have you found yours?” he ask warily.

  “I hope so.” I answer honestly. I wrap him in my arms, running my hand over his fuzzy hair. I pull away when he sighs resigning himself to the lost of me.

  “You told me you’d never leave.” he says, his spirit broken from my lies.

  ‘I’m sorry Lucas” I kiss him on his cheek before turning to leave. Not looking back was the hardest part of this whole encounter. I know in this moment that I may never be over Lucas. We’ve bonded on a different level, beyond sexual.

  I walk into my office ignoring Alice’s curious gaze when she notices the distraught look on my face. I walk into my bathroom closing the door behind me. I sit on the cold tile floor in a haze of memories.

  Memories of the man who saved me at the loneliest point in my life.


  I go into my office and begin to pack my personal items. It takes less than fifteen minutes to gather anything I really need to take with me. I buzz for Alice to come in so I could say my good-byes to her.

  She strolls in, looks at my packed box and is truly shocked.

  “You’re leaving?” her face scrunches up in confusion.

  “Yeah, I’m leaving. I just wanted to let you know you were a very entertaining secretary and I hope your next boss appreciates your superior knowledge in gossip.” I smile at her as I grab my box.

  “I’ll miss you,” she pouts.

  “Yeah, I’ll miss you too,” I say nudging her with my elbow as I walk past her. An unexpected feeling of sorrow overcomes me as I walk out the door. I’m really going to miss this place, even Alice, I mean I won’t miss the part where she got a taste of my man but she’s a genuinely cool chick.

  Next I stop at my condo. I pack all of my clothes and necessities into four huge suitcases. I clean out the fridge, dumping all my perishable items out. Once I’m done, I leave my bag there knowing we could pick them up on the way to the airport.

  I walk back into Liam’s place excited to see him. He’s walking around the kitchen with his phone attached to his ear while he’s mixing something in a pot .Wearing only a loose pair of stone washed jeans that hang low enough for me to see the dimples in his back right above his butt.

  A shot of lust races through me wetting my panties instantly. My body is constantly aware of Liam's presence. I walk up behind him a run my hands over his hard abdomen. He smirks over his shoulder at me, knowing how horny I must be after a few hours without him.

  My hands delve into his pants wrapping around his hard length. The fact that he’s already hard speaking to me in volumes. As I begin to gently stroke him he stutters in his conversation. His eyes close and he leans his arm against the counter top in front of him. I unbutton the pants with my other hand not wanting to release his steely length from my hand, gently sliding the zipper down then I let them pool at his feet.

  He shakes his head at me pointing to the phone. Making him lose that business tone becoming my primary goal, I drop to my knees crawling in front of him. He stares down at me perched in front of his throbbing penis and scowls at me. I leer up to him as my tongue gently grazes the crown of his penis. I run my tongue along the underside of his cock, watching his eye lids droop. He’s currently resorting to mumbling positive and negative grunts into the phone. I deep throat as much of him as possible and he sucks in a sharp breath. The suction I add in breaks his control.

  “Fuck,” he roars tapping end on the phone and throwing it on the counter. His hand tangles in my hair as he guides my head. His hip buck driving him deeper into my throat. My tongue wraps around the underside of his cock, loving the feel of his swollen veins against it.

  I reach for his balls, massaging them in my hand, they tighten up and I know he’s close. His thrusts into my mouth become more sporadic as his climax threatens to overtake him. The grip on my hair tightens, thick veins bulging out of his neck as he throws back his head and chants my name. His hot liquids squirt down my throat as he continues to fuck my mouth, riding out his orgasm.

  When I release him from my mouth he looks down at me with a wide grin on his face. “God I missed you.” He says pulling me up into his arms. He kisses me, plunging into my mouth, our tongue battling for control.

  “Umm…I taste good on you.” He murmurs.

  “You taste good everywhere and on anything.” I respond licking his neck rubbing my body against his naked form. “I want you” I whisper.

  “Not now, dinners ready and we need to talk.” He picks up his jeans, stepping back as he fastens them. “Why’d you let Anna in this morning?” the seriousness of his tone startles me. He is not happy I let Anna ambush him.

  “I thought you needed to have a conversation with your mother, hash things out.”

  “You don’t get to make decisions like that for me. Now you can go sit at the bar and eat your dinner in those moist panties you’re wearing.” My jaw drops at his authoritive voice

  “You’re withholding sex?” I ask, flabbergasted.

  “No, you’ll get your pound of flesh after we have a discussion.” He says guiding me to a chair.

  “Fine, but for your information you have a lot m
ore than a pound of flesh to offer.” I wink at him. I watch him adjust himself and smile at him. There’s no way he’s going to make it through dinner without giving it up.

  He sets the plates down and I push the food on my plate around as he tells me Anna’s story. I can hear the lingering doubts in his tone as he repeats the details. He huffs, covering his face with his large hand.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask cautiously, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.

  “I don’t know if I should trust her and I hate that I want to believe her.” He spins his stool towards me, “I’m not ready to deal with this shit but you and Anna have forced my hand now I need to find the truth.” I angle my stool towards him, I lay my hands over his giving him a gentle squeeze to show my support.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about Anna being here but I’m glad you’re interested in finding the truth. I’m trying not to overstep here but Anna is like a mother to me. The woman I’ve loved all these years would not coldly turn her back on her son. Maybe she made some mistakes but she loves you.” I reach for his face pulling it towards mine, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

  “Who wouldn’t love you?” I whisper against his lips.


  The next two days flash by and before I have time to wrap my mind around leaving with Liam, I’m on a private jet landing in Palm Beach. An eerie feeling drifts over me at the sight of the Florida sun through the miniature window of the plane. As Liam goes to the cabin to speak to his pilot the air suddenly feel thick and suffocating. The urge to get off the plane is so severe I rush to the front, tapping Liam on the shoulder letting him know I’ll meet him in the outside.

  He tells me to get into the car waiting outside the plane. I nod at him and quickly bound down the stairs ignoring the chauffeur holding the door open. I wave him off making my way to the back of the plane needing a moment alone and some fresh air to get myself together. I never considered ever having to come back to Florida.

  Pressure builds in my chest causing my heart to race so fast it’s painful. I keel over crouching down with my hands on my knees, gasping for breath. My breath feels like it is stuck in my throat. A hot prickly feeling runs over my skin. I think I may be having a heart attack as the intense sensation in my chest become unbearable.