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Beautifully Revealed Page 7

  “I have work to do,” I say, hoping she’ll take the clue and leave.

  I’m being a fucking juvenile, but I don’t care. I watch Ella’s retreating frame and bite back the urge to ask her to stay. Losing my mother has me more scared than ever to love again. Before Ella, I was cold and unfeeling. Maybe my heart was even frozen, but frozen hearts don’t bleed the way mine does now.

  All this emotional bullshit isn’t for me, if I was capable of letting her go I would do it in a heartbeat, but even the thought of an existence without Ella terrifies me. My condo is unusually quiet and I dread going home every day after work.

  The intercom buzzes and Stephanie announces, “Mr. Maddox, Arianna is here to see you.”

  I should send her away, but surprisingly I tell her to let her in. Moments later she struts through my door in a red dress that’s clinging to her body like a second skin. She’s definitely here to stir up trouble and her seductive smile further confirms it. Instead of sitting across from me, she walks behind my desk, and sits next to me on the edge of the desk.

  I watch cautiously for her next move. She leans over and kisses my cheek. “Hey,” she says.

  “What do you want, Arianna?”

  She sighs and runs her hand over her thighs causing her dress to inch up. I almost roll my eyes at her obvious attempt to seduce me.

  “I left a couple things at the condo and I was wondering when I can come over and pick them up?”

  “Let’s not do this bullshit, Arianna. That has to be the most ancient trick in the book. Couldn’t you come up with anything a little more original?”

  She pouts her overly red lips at me before sighing in defeat. “Okay, you got me. I miss you.”

  “What is there to miss? All we ever did was fuck.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem, you were the best fuck of my life.”

  “Arianna, you know I’m with someone now.”

  “I heard she moved out.” She smiles coyly at me.

  “Whether she’s staying with me or not is irrelevant, she’s still mine.”

  “Wow, I always thought I would be the girl to change you, make a committed man out of you…” A sad look crosses her face. “Can you tell me where I went wrong? What she did differently?”

  “Why is it always a competition between women? You did nothing wrong and she did nothing right. When you feel it there’s nothing someone can do or not do to change it. It’s sort of just there and it’s unexplainable.”

  “Alright I get it, you’re in love and we’re over. Can we at least be friends? For real this time, I won’t try to break up your relationship, or make catty remarks about Isabella anymore.”

  I give her a suspicious look and she smiles at me before crossing her heart with her finger.

  “Alright,” I shrug my shoulders. Hopefully my answer will get rid of her quicker.

  “Great,” she says jumping up from my desk. “Let me take you for our first friendship cup of coffee.”

  “No, that’s a bad idea.”

  “Come on Liam, it’s just a cup of coffee.”

  “Arianna, I swear if this is some kind of ploy…”

  “It’s not. It’s coffee between friends.”

  “Let’s go, but I’m paying.” I need to get out of here and stop thinking about Ella.

  I find myself smiling at her silliness on the ride down the elevator, she was always a carefree, happy spirit. It’s nice to see her acting like herself again, instead of the petty jealous version I’ve seen lately. We exit the elevator at the same time that Ella and Lillian step off the opposite one. She freezes and watches as Arianna and I walk by her. I’m not doing anything wrong and I definitely don’t owe her an explanation. I hardly glance her way so I’m a little startled when she jumps in front of me, stopping me midstride. She gives Arianna a nasty look before pulling me off into a corner.

  “What are you doing?” she hisses at me. I almost smile at how cute she is when she’s angry.

  “Going out for coffee with a friend.” I glance at my watch in an attempt to rush her little confrontation.

  “Is this Alice all over again? Soon as we disagree about something you’re ready to run out and further damage what’s left of us.” She accuses.

  “We’re friends. You go out for coffee with Harris weekly, don’t you?”

  “It’s not the same, Liam.” She’s practically seething and I have to put an end to this before she makes a huge scene in my lobby.

  “It is the same. Now go home to your friend and stop making a scene.” I leave the building with Arianna, a little annoyed that she threw Alice in my face again. I thought we had left that behind us.

  Arianna senses the change in my mood and tries to cheer me up with her quirky jokes, but I’m not in the mood, and I barely even talk while we’re in the coffee shop. We part ways outside the café with a hug and a promise to keep in touch, but I doubt that will happen because it felt a little forced and awkward being around her. Sometimes it’s best to leave the past behind you.


  That night, as I lie alone in my bed, my head is pounding from the rage I feel. Every second that I spend alone in this bed pisses me off more. Why did I have to fall in love with the most difficult woman in the world? The secrets she keeps are like a huge wall between us. I don’t know what else to do to get her to trust me with her past.

  The investigator I hired is having a hard time uncovering anything on that Damon guy. Apparently most of his records have been sealed. He must have some really important people in his pocket for that to be possible. Ella’s past is not easy to dig up either. Other than the information the investigator was able to get me about her from college until now, everything else is blank. I should have figured out she had a lot of money a while ago. No one can cover their tracks that well unless they pay a high price.

  What happened with Lucas is what’s really keeping me from letting her come home. If she had only listened to me and not gone to Vegas with Lucas we would still be in a good place. I believe her when she says Lucas took advantage of her, but that doesn’t stop the sick feeling in my gut when I imagine him touching her like that. It’s exactly what I was trying to warn her about, but she was determined to go heal their friendship. If my mother hadn’t been on her deathbed that day in the hospital, I would have done far more damage to him than I did. Now she’s staying with Harris. Hmm…

  Fuck it. I know I shouldn’t, but I need to see her. I jump out of the bed, pulling on a pair of jeans, and the shirt I discarded earlier. I button it up on my way out the door. I’m not sure why I’m going to Harris’s place to see her, maybe I just need to see her face, hear her voice, or maybe I just need to fuck her until I get her out my system.

  Chapter 8


  My eyes dart around the dark room, confused, and sleep hazed. The flashes of light from the TV are blinding and I scrunch up my eyes trying to focus. The pounding on the door jars me into a sitting position on the couch. The urgent thuds on the front door woke me, and with a glimpse at the cable box I notice it’s nearly three a.m. I drag myself to the door, and with one look through the peephole, I’m yanking the door open. Liam’s lowered head rises and his fierce expression worries me.

  “Are you okay? Come in.” I pull him through the doorway.

  His eyes burn into mine as he approaches me. One of his hands grabs hold of the back of my neck while the other wraps around my hip and pulls me against his body. His lips are so close to mine I can feel his heated breath against my face.

  “Where’s Harris?” he asks.

  “He’s with Lillian, he’s not coming back tonight. You want to sit and talk?”

  “I don’t want to talk,” he whispers. “I want to fuck.” That last word causes my body to shudder as he pushes me further in, and slams the door shut behind us. His head slants as his mouth comes crashing down on mine. I try to resist him by clamping my mouth shut, but that only causes him to nip at my lips with his teeth. He uses both hands to
hold my head steady then demands, “Let me in. You need this as badly as I do.”

  I shake my head at him. “I want you back, not just meaningless se-” His tongue invades my mouth before I can finish and I melt against him shamelessly, powerless to his onslaught. I moan as he sucks on my tongue, grabs my shirt, and rips it loose. He presses me against the door, his large body trapping me. My hand tangles in his hair when he touches the edge of my panties.

  My body aches for his touch, for the feel of him deep inside me. If all he’ll offer me is this, I will shamefully accept his use of my body to ease the pain. I pull at his clothes desperate to feel his skin against mine. My panties tear, and I quickly unbuckle his belt, pulling his jeans over his hips and watch as his erection juts out.


  I wrap one leg around his waist, rubbing myself against his full, throbbing cock. His first thrust is deep and he’s fully embedded in me in one stroke. My eyes blur as I try to focus on his eyes, bewildered by the magnitude of emotions coursing through me.

  He freezes and I watch his heated eyes turn wild. With one hand on my hip he begins to pound into me viciously. His other hand wraps around the front of my neck, pushing my head against the door. The gentle pressure isn’t enough to be painful, but I know it reflects the hurt and the pain he feels about what happened with Lucas. His kisses are harsh and punishing, and they match the rhythm of his thrusts. His hand tightens around my neck and the loss of oxygen to my brain increases the pleasure.

  “Did he make you feel this way?” he growls. I shake my head as each thrust begins to feel more intense. My hand wraps around his arm and his grip loosens around my neck, but his cock pounds into me more furiously. His face is less than an inch from mine and he’s studying my every response.

  “Come now,” he demands through gritted teeth. I stare at him defiantly, loathing the way my body readily submits to him. He smirks at my attempt to keep him from having total possession of me. His hand cups my breast and he pinches my nipple. The sharp tug responds in my core. My eyes shut from the weight of the pleasure that’s racing through me. Each thrust enhances my climax and I hear myself in the distance begging him. I’m not sure if it’s to stop or for more, but he gives me more.

  He grabs both my thighs and lifts me up against the door. He bites my neck and nips my ear as his cock probes the slick tender flesh between my legs. My body begins to jerk from the flood of sensations, but he holds me firmly to accept each slamming thrust. His labored breaths against my ear match mine and I pull viciously at his hair, angry that I feel so consumed by my love of him, but knowing he’s going to walk away afterwards. He grunts in pain then trembles and bites down hard on my neck as he floods my clenching pussy with his hot cum.

  The frenzy of emotions takes over, threatening to choke me. I miss him so much my heart aches. I cling to his sweat soaked hair, holding his head prisoner against my neck.

  “This pussy is mine. If you even think to let another man touch it…” He shakes his head against my neck.

  “You can’t say that. If you won’t let me come home then you can’t tell me-” He cuts me off by rocking into me again.

  “Do you feel that?” he asks looking into my eyes. I moan involuntarily as his burgeoning erection pushes into me.

  “Did I not just prove that you belong to me?” He licks his fingers and brings them down over my swollen clit. He rolls it slowly between his deft fingers, holding me captive in his gaze as I battle against another orgasm. He owns me physically, emotionally, and even mentally. My mind is against this, but the way he’s controlling my body right now feels more like a mental fuck. I can’t concentrate on anything but those green eyes telling me what I need right now. As much as I know this will hurt me more when he’s gone, that I should kick him out and stop this push and pull, I’m mentally defective when it comes to making the right decision about Liam so I let him have his way with me.

  His thrusts are slow and his cock expands to quickly fill me. My clit throbs as each slide of his rough finger increases the tingling. He leans down and sucks my nipple into his warm mouth and I lose it. My body convulses, my pussy spasms relentlessly against his iron hard cock, and I fight to catch my breath. I whimper as he withdraws from me and tighten my hold on his arm.

  “Please,” I beg him not to leave me. I wish I could figure out a way to show him that love doesn’t have to be this painful, that the torture of being apart is far worse than the fear of being together. He stiffens and I can see him battling to keep his cool, but fear wins out in the end. He pulls on his pants and walks out the door before he buttons up his shirt.

  I lie back down on the couch with my heart crushed. It almost feels like I dreamed him appearing. I’m back on this lonely couch, in the same position, watching the same depressing shit. If it weren’t for the tenderness he left between my legs, I would’ve absolutely believed I was still asleep. I hug a pillow against my naked breasts and stare blankly at the television hoping that life will deal me another miracle.


  “Isabella!” Adrian exclaims as I walk through the studio door Friday morning.

  “Hi, Adrian.” He pulls me in for a quick hug then kisses me on both cheeks. I try to match his happy mood, but I’m faking it. After the way Liam left me last night, I feel dejected.

  “We’re all set for you. Gabriella is waiting for you in the dressing room. I’ll be waiting out here when you’re ready.”

  Gabby’s here? That’s unexpected. After what happened with Liam last night I was tempted not to show today. It’s even more depressing to have what you love in your arms then watch it walk away again. The door to the dressing room is wide open and Gabby is busy tapping her Smartphone.

  “Hey, Gabby,” I say as I walk through the door of the dressing room.

  “Hello, Isabella.” She smiles weakly at me. “Liam has already approved all the outfits I chose for you to wear so you just need to pick out four or five off of this rack, and then we can begin.”

  Approved? It’s almost laughable that Liam thinks he can tell me what to wear. Just because I let him barge in last night and fuck me, doesn’t mean he can dictate what I wear.

  “No offense, Gabby, I’m sure the clothes you picked out are amazing, but I don’t need Liam’s approval on what I wear.” Even if I absolutely loved everything on that rack I wouldn’t wear it just to maintain some control over my life. Gabby looks at me nervously and I can tell she’s battling to keep her opinion to herself.

  “I really didn’t want our first interaction to go this way so I’m just going to ask you something that’s been bothering me. Why don’t you like me?” She looks a little startled by my abruptness but shakes it off quickly.

  “It’s not that I don’t like you. You just make me nervous. Liam has always been this cold, distant man who doesn’t fall in love. I’m glad that he finally has, but I’m scared you’ll hurt him. You’re wild, spunky, and untamed. I think it’s great, but for a man like Liam who likes to be in control you can be a huge downfall for him.”

  “I don’t want to be his downfall. I just want to love him, but that doesn’t come easily for me. I know you’re important in his life and I’d like it if you at least stopped running off whenever I enter a room.”

  She smiles at me and nods her head. “See what I mean, you’re a no-nonsense bad-ass. I admire your honesty and respect you confronting me. I think we’ll be friends eventually, if not because of Liam than because you surprised me today.”

  “How’d I surprise you?”

  “You weren’t as bitchy as I thought you’d be and you have a backbone. I would never let a man tell me what to wear. Let’s go through the stuff they keep here for the models and shoot the best cover MADDOX Magazine has ever seen.”

  Gabby quickly changes her mind about my independent behavior once she sees what I pick out. She’s all for me being independent, but she absolutely refuses to have anything to do with the outfits I pick out, so she sits in a corner quietly whil
e I get dressed. When I walk out on the set, Adrian’s eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously.

  “No. Isabella, Mr. Maddox would lose his mind if I photograph you in that.”

  “What’s wrong with this?” I ask glancing in the mirror. I think I look hot. In exchange for the business suit Liam had approved I’m wearing a short black pinstripe skirt, making sure my garters show. Instead of a shirt I’m wearing only the vest with nothing underneath, which is hanging open showing plenty of cleavage and my navel ring.

  “Go change.”

  “Adrian, this is a men’s magazine they don’t want to see some stuffy business women on the cover.”

  “I agree, but you’re my boss’s girlfriend.”

  “And as the boss’s girlfriend, I should be the sexiest women who ever graced the cover.” He stares at me trying to come up with more excuses, but he knows I’m right. When Arianna was on the cover she wore short shorts and pasties to cover her nipples, I’m being conservative in comparison.

  “Fine, but you better be ready to be by my side when I get fired.” I roll my eyes at his exaggeration and take my place on the set. By the time I get to my third outfit change an idea pops into my mind.

  “Oh Adrian,” I say in an excited voice. “You know I’ve always wanted to do?”

  “What?” He looks at me skeptically.

  “I’ve always wanted to take one of those photos where I’m on the bed covered in rose petals.”

  “No!” he says sharply.

  “Come on Adrian, Pleeeease.” I smile at him seductively.

  “Oh my god, you’re wickedly evil, how does that man put up with you?”

  “He doesn’t, maybe I do these crazy things to keep him interested.” Whoa. Did I say that out loud? I didn’t mean to reveal so much, but it slipped out, now Adrian and Gabby are staring at me like I’m pitiful.

  “You don’t need to be outrageous to keep Liam interested, Isabella,” Gabby says from her corner.