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Insomnia (Sexual Misconduct Volume I) Page 8


  “Ellie’s home.”

  I couldn’t focus on anything other than how hard my dick was and how badly I needed to fuck her. When we fucked, we connected. It was the only time we both let down our walls and I knew she was mine no matter how much she doubted me. So when she told me her so-called sister, daughter, or whatever she considered her was home, it didn’t register to me.

  “Uh-huh…” I mumbled and buried my head back into her sweet-smelling neck.

  “Xander, stop!”

  I sighed and took a slow step away from her but promised her with a searing look that we’d pick up where we left off soon.

  Ellie cleared her throat and I turned to the sweet, innocent-looking blonde who eyed me warily.

  “Ellie, this is Xander Pierce. Xander, Ellie.”

  She stepped forward and held out her hand, but I just kept staring at her face. I’d finally found something I wanted in Avery, and that hadn’t happened in over a decade. But I realized the one thing I wanted might be the one thing I couldn’t have. My past was bearing down on me and I didn’t know if she’d be able to handle my truths, but worse than that…

  It turns out the most important person in Avery’s life was a stripper I met when I first came to town. Ellie was the girl that handed me that card—the girl I fucked for a month before I ever met Avery. Ellie was the usually wild-haired, scantily-clad Gabriella.

  Going off the things beginning to run through my head, I was reverting back to old habits. I was already formulating plans and scheming because I needed to do anything possible to keep Avery.

  When you find what you’re searching for, you won’t have to fight so hard to keep it.

  My father’s words echoed in my head. But the odds weren’t in my favor. Our relationship had officially become a house of cards that a gentle breeze would tear apart. Gabriella was the tornado, and everything around me started to crumble, getting sucked up in her forceful whirlwind. Wrapping Avery in my arms and blinding her from the destruction ahead was the only way I knew to keep her with me.

  End of Episode 1

  A note to the readers

  Oh my God! I can’t believe it just stopped there!

  Who is this Bethany Bazile, and why is she trying to torture us?

  Maybe I’m a sadist. After all, why would I leave you guys hanging this way? Honestly, when I came up with the concept of this story—or should I say when these characters forced me to tell their story—this is the way it was laid out in my head.

  It all played out like a three-part serial with separate titles and different covers. Each part will be released within two weeks of the last one. I know some of you are angry at me. I struggled with this type of format because I knew I’d get some fans who’d absolutely hate me.

  So maybe I’m a masochist? Because I still decided to publish this way, though I suspected I’d see the soft glow of torches and pitchforks coming up the road.

  To those who hate cliffhangers and still ventured down this road, I apologize—and thank you for giving me a chance anyway. I hope you venture on and read Underneath It All & Lie To Me.

  If you need to rant, then you’re welcome to stop by my Facebook page and leave comments. I love hearing from you guys. Flip the page and you’ll find all the ways you can stalk me.

  To all my readers, I thank you. Your time and support are priceless. I hope this serial was what I meant it to be for you, because in the end, the climax is always better when you have to endure the slow buildup. ;-)

  Stalk Me

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  More by Bethany Bazile:

  Fight For Me

  Beautifully Broken

  Beautifully Revealed

  UnBurdened (A Novella)

  Deceitfully Yours

  About Underneath It All

  She was unexpected but exactly what I needed. She gave me hope again, made me feel things that had died over a decade ago.

  I was reverting back to the man I used to be. The man that destroyed lives to keep the one person that meant everything to him.

  My secrets were piling up. I didn’t know how long I’d be able to maintain it all.

  But I knew I’d do anything to keep her.

  Even if it meant I had to let her see who I was underneath it all.

  About the Author

  Bethany Bazile reads, writes, and lives in the Northeast with her husband and two amazing kids. Her passion for writing was born from a love affair between books and music. She loves books that draw her in and won’t release her until she’s inhaled every word, panting with excitement. Then she realizes the sun came up, but the loss of sleep was so worth it. When she isn’t reading, she’s conjuring up steamy love scenes and hot romance stories to share with fellow romance lovers. She can’t function without her cup of coffee and operates on a vampire-like timeframe.